Thursday, October 30, 2008

I've been updating this blog, put in my own custom CSS spacing and colors.... Had to mess with that a lot to get it to look alright on the picture.
What do you think about it?
Vote on the poll!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Flash drives and external HDs.

The Patriot Xporter XT 16gb flash drive came in. It looks great, works fine, and came with a lanyard and a usb extender. It's case is softish rubber. I think it is big enough for me for a while at least... the Sandisk 4gb was getting tight for games and movies...
Now I have Vista Home Premium 64bit on the 750gb internal HD, and Vista Home Ultimate 64 on the 160gb internal... with a 1tb and a 250gb backup external HDs.
My computer is one of the things that just LOVES this cold weather! ;)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Went for a ride on this chilly afternoon. Got to try out my tights... I tend to ride pretty hard when its cold... anyway it was nice to get a long MTB ride in! :)
I am really enjoying the Head First HTML with CSS & XHTML book! It is easy to learn, and is easy to read!
I got the ATI Catalyst 8.10 drivers yesterday for my 64bit version of Vista, and my score went down in vantage by 500 points. I might just change back to the other one until 8.11 comes...
There's also supposed to be a hotfix out for 8.10 I saw...

Everything is running great! The CPU is awesome! I am working on lowering the CPU vcore now... its down to 1.47v on load now! At load that is . It runs a lot cooler now that the voltages are down... So here are some of the settings things are running: CPU: 3.95ghz-395 bus, 10x multi. Ram: 5-5-5-15 at 988mhz. CPU MCH voltage(North Bridge) 1.40v. CPU VTT:1.40v. I'm really happy about the voltages, and the ram speed! I got a 3dmark vantage score of P10411 with the CPU getting 13531 and the 4870 9668.
Here is the CPU-Z validation link(click on it to get more details and the CPU-Z screenshot)
Attached is a screenshot of the 3dmark Vantage result and a screenshot of the cpu when it booted into windows at 4ghz.

(I had to add in the HTML for the CPU-Z link) ;)

Friday, October 24, 2008


The QX6850 is here!
Its running at 3.9ghz, I haven't tweaked it much, but it ran 3dmark vantage twice, and 3dmark 06 as well... I'm going to continue testing of course...
The CPU scores in Vantage and '06 aren't as high as they should be, and I think that has to do with the 32bit OS. I will get Windows Vista Home Premium 64bit in a few days.
Pics attached! :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Here's a great article about technology! It talks about graphics, how they can make the games look more real... and mention the upcoming technology such as DX11 and Shader Model 5.
There are great pictures of game comparisons... check it out!,2049.html

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I sold my Intel Xeon E3110 on eBay, and just won a QX6850 on eBay with some really close bidding! Some extreme overclocking is going to take place with that CPU installed... :)

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Well the internet seems to be staying at 6.8meg. Here's a screenshot. Its not a bad speed anyhow.

Friday, October 17, 2008

X58 mobos in the making!

Check out the news and awesome pics of the X58 motherboards! 6 and 7 ram slots! SLI or CF this time! :)

Just need to wait for the mobos supporting the i7 CPU coming...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I found out a little about the internet speed advertising... When your company advertises say 15mbps internet, that stands for 15 mega-bits-per-second. When you download or upload things, the speed is measured in maga-bytes-per-second. It takes 8 bits to make a byte... so a 8mbps advertised internet will download at an average of 1mbps.
Facebook and Firefox 3.0.3 do not work well together at all. It has crashed MANY times on my now, very frequently. I'm sure the Mozilla team will be at work fixing it! :)
My Gaming Desktop is now for auction on eBay.
Check out the specs!
This OB-GYN nurse in Chicago got fired for whistle blowing on this heinous practice. The court battle ensued for a long time. Please send it to anyone you can.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The latest firefox just crashed on me... don't know why... Browsing facebook...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

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It was a nice sunny day flying home... Its always fun to see everything from the air!

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The Ice Cream Parlour in LaVale MD.
A good view of the wing of the plane...

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I really like the way the water picture turned out! :)

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These flowers were also in the city of LaVale, MD. The first picture was taken right in front of the creamery!